Posted on 12/13/2022

Browns Automotive believes that giving back to the community we serve is important. We are blessed to be able to repair and maintain so many vehicles here in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. We are proud of the community we belong in. That is why we have decided to focus our efforts on one organization that is special to us. That is the Albuquerque Christian Children's Home. They provide a safe place for displaced children to learn and grow. What they do for the children in their care is amazing and they have a proven track record of helping children grow up to be fantastic humans. They are a non-profit that does not receive any government funding, all its support comes directly from the community. When people think of children's needs, they often think about school supplies, clothing, or toys. We have found that what the children's home needs the most are everyday items that we often take for granted. Soap, trash bags, tissue p ... read more