Myths about European vehicles
Whether you drive a state-of-the-art Mercedes or a vintage BMW in Albuquerque, your European vehicle is a finely-crafted machine. But does that craftsmanship require a special level of care and support? Let's take a look at three common myths about European vehicles, and how these myths could be affecting your wallet.
Myth 1: There's no avoiding it -- You Have to go to the Dealership for Some Repair and Maintenance
The first thing we should call attention to is the Magnuson-Moss warranty act: the law says you don't need to take your vehicle to the dealer for routine maintenance to maintain your warranty. As long as the maintenance is done according to the schedule in your vehicle's manual, the dealer can't void the warranty.
And if the dealership can't hold your vehicle hostage, why not take your car where there's a team that cares about you? The truth is, no matter how big or small the job, we're here to protect your investment in your vehicle. We even provide friendlier service and usually a better price!
Myth 2: European Vehicles Need Premium Fuel to Run At Peak Efficiently
The thinking goes: premium fuel means better gas mileage, more power and a cleaner-running engine. If you're already driving a premium vehicle, shouldn't you use the premium gas?
The truth, however, is that the fuel your car needs to run at peak performance and that will give you the most power and best efficiency is...the one your user manual recommends. If your vehicle is designed to run on lower octane gas, filling up with premium won't mean extra performance.
Of course, if your owner's manual calls for premium gas, your vehicle needs a fuel that can be compressed more than regular unleaded. Using less than a premium gas can lead to "knocking," caused by gas that spontaneously combusts before the spark plug has a chance to ignite it. This can lead to engine damage over time.
In other words, your European-built car doesn't necessarily need premium fuel just because it's a premium machine. Check the owner's manual to see what fuel it needs to run at top performance.

Myth 3: European Vehicles can go 10,000 or even 25,000 Miles Between Oil Changes
Oil manufacturers aren't shy about making extraordinary claims about their products. With more efficient, cleaner engines and a little dash of science, they claim, your car will hardly ever need an oil change. Dealerships often make the same claim, though they never stop to explain that it's fine if you have a buy a new vehicle from them every few years because your engine wore out earlier than expected.
Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle: it cleans, it cools, it protects and lubricates. And the longer it's been since your last oil change, the more that oil will have cleaned and been repeatedly heated and cooled...all of which leads to engine sludge, a loss of viscosity, a lack of protection, and decreased ability to lubricate high friction components.
Despite the terrific engineering that went into your European vehicle, despite the tremendous scientific advances that went into creating synthetic engine oil, the truth remains the same: change your oil regularly.
Want to know more about how to protect your European-model car? Our team of ASE-certified technicians is here to answer your questions and help with any of your repair needs. Just click here to contact us, or give us a call